Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wild Wednesday: Cooling Temps

Cooling temperatures in Phoenix mean I can FINALLY turn off my AC. FINALLY feel comfortable wearing socks (even better- my compression stockings!), finally eat soup for lunch, finally enjoy my salted caramel hot chocolate, and finally work out in my most comfortable long sleeve t-shirt in the mornings.
I went out for a brisk 3 mile jog this morning in my capri sweats and this shirt.

Thank you Arizona, this is why I love you.
Thank you shirt, because I am an advocate for peace.
I know that when a baby is born it can be one of the most peaceful thing on Earth.

You haven't experienced peace with birth? Then please please please meet a midwife. Talk with a doula, listen to hypnobirthing CDs, and stop watching the baby story on TLC. Even a c-section can be a peaceful birth if you are aware and consumed with the love and miracle of the new life being brought into the world.

Don't believe me?

1 comment:

Misha said...

I totally agree! My favorite births are the ones where the room is dark, the staff is minimal, the voices are soft and quiet with excitement (which is hard for me, because I am LOUD) and it's just mom and her support person. It takes my breath away, even after birthin' babies for 15 years. I don't think there is anything more peaceful on earth.