Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last day in Zandspruit

Today was a bit of a sad day here. I finally got to speak to my 12 year old today, which had been proving difficult with the time difference (I'm 9 hours ahead) and the lack of Internet. I'm sad to say he is getting along fine without me. I miss him terribly and have never been away from him this long. It was also a bit sad today because it was our last day at the Zandspruit clinic where we have been working. You know that old commercial that goes "she'll tell 2 friends, then they'll tell 2 friends, and so on and so on"? That's what's been happening here. The word was out in the community that people could come see a dentist and a gynecologist, two services truly either unavailable, or very expensive. And we have gotten busier as the days have gone on. The dentists have done a great service, filling cavities, extracting teeth and generally putting people in pain out of their misery. As for me-- I KNOW Ive been helping people with information (if I hear one more person say "I think my womb is dirty".....), treatment for infection (I must have seen 12 cases of Herpes, and people had NO clue that it was something someone gave them.), and, in 2 cases, performing small procedures that they would have needed an OR for. We have taken pictures of and with grateful patents, and have all anxiously been asked when we will return. It was sad to say goodbye to the patients and to the Network of Caring staff that have taken such good care of us. It was also sad to have to turn away the last few patients who showed up after all of our equipment was already packed away. We went to dinner afterward at an authentic African restaurant (who says only kids get their faces painted?!),and ate local dishes like ostrich snd oxtail, listening to beautiful traditional African music and drinking (lots) of South African wine! Today we leave for a three day Safari in Kruger Park. That will be an amazing experience! Not sure about the Internet there so this may be the last blog for awhile......until next time,when I may be up close and personal with some wild animals!

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