Monday, March 14, 2011

Mommy Monday: Weaning Update

Thanks for such a kind response to my last breastfeeding post ~ it was great to hear your supportive comments. In case you missed them ~ here are a few of my favorite thoughts from both the blog and facebook...

Enjoy every moment of it! ♥

19 months... time you will never get back. precious time that you could not have spent better.

and now for an update... I am still breastfeeding... maybe a little less than I was two weeks ago.

Here is what I have admitted to myself over the past two weeks.
We are not completely ready to stop breastfeeding.

Here is what I am working on to decrease feedings.
I am trying to have a little more control of times and places of breastfeeding ~ I quickly offer Addie a glass of milk or water if it is not the right time and/or place & guess what?? sometimes she is just thirsty and it works!

I am trying to increase the "other types" of quality time that I have with my baby girl ~ like reading, singing, playing and not only feeding.

and guess what? It is working for today...

playing outside with my sweet baby girl

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Oh my goodness-- she is adorable. Who will ever want to tell that cute little girl "no" ??