Fashion statement? I am not sure.
Political statement? I doubt it- but could be- with Michelle Obama supporting breastfeeding and all.
Act of defiance? NO.
A way to keep your baby's head warm while you are breastfeeding? Yes.
An attempt to NORMALIZE breastfeeding in public? Of course.

Occasionally when you breastfeed in public there are people who may get upset. Fortunately I don't see this happening very often anymore, but it certainly does. Every state has a policy on breastfeeding in public and in Arizona it is 100% legal. You do not need to hide in a bathroom and you can't kicked out of any place (that you legally can be in when you are not breastfeeding) for doing so. Tomorrow I will post more on that...back to DoulaBooBees...
When nursing in public people are soooo worried about being flashed by a breast. They think they will feel uncomfortable and it will be icky and gross and what if breast milk gets on something... eeew... (sarcasm emphasized)
To take away the fear of those around you, that fear of accidentally being flashed by a nursing mother's breast, just put the BooBee hat on your baby's head and latch them right on. All those people who were afraid of seeing a breast will get a pretty good look and hopefully chuckle- knowing that it really isn't scary.
Thank you Michelle and all you do for women, mothers, families and babies!!
THAT is awesome :)
Thank you for providing such a valuable information and thanks for sharing this matter.
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