Have you checked out this website before?
Here is the information at the bottom of their website:
The images and statements depicted on this website are based on individuals' own experiences and knowledge, and may not apply to your situation. They are not to be considered medical advice, nor ought they replace the medical advice given by your provider. 'Stirrups and Stories' is intended to empower you, the patient, to address concerns with your provider and to find additional information to demand satisfactory, safe, and appropriate health care. Please do not consider anything found on this website to be specific medical advice.
As a healthcare provider I found this website very insightful. It has taught me that while I do exams on a daily basis I need to make sure I never ever let them become commonplace. I need to respect every woman and acknowledge her feelings with the current and past exams.
Be aware that there are some graphic images and some foul language, but each story is a different perspective of an individual.
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